Neil . Pasricha June 17, 2019 podcast Chapter 31: Juniper the former sex worker on paying for pleasure and progressive parenting Neil . Pasricha June 17, 2019 podcast What are Juniper Fitzgerald’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha June 3, 2019 podcast Chapter 30: Jerry Howarth on branding, bereavement, and Blue Jays baseball Neil . Pasricha June 3, 2019 podcast What are Jerry Howarth’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha May 18, 2019 podcast Chapter 29: Michael Harris on queer questions and the quest for quiet Neil . Pasricha May 18, 2019 podcast What are Michael Harris’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha May 4, 2019 podcast Chapter 28: Mark Manson on constant cursing and clearing clutter Neil . Pasricha May 4, 2019 podcast What are Mark Manson’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha April 19, 2019 podcast Chapter 27: Robin the Bartender on fiddling with frankincense and fighting for freedom Neil . Pasricha April 19, 2019 podcast What are the world’s best bartender’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha April 5, 2019 podcast Chapter 26: Angie Thomas on righting racist wrongs and remembering radicals Neil . Pasricha April 5, 2019 podcast What are Angie Thomas’ three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha March 20, 2019 podcast Chapter 25: James Frey on drunk, defiant differentiation Neil . Pasricha March 20, 2019 podcast What are James Frey’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha March 6, 2019 podcast Chapter 24: Jonathan Fields on winning with will and weaving why into work Neil . Pasricha March 6, 2019 podcast What are Jonathan Fields’ three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha February 19, 2019 podcast Chapter 23: Jesse Finkelstein zooms into the zeitgeist and zeroes in on zesty Zora Neil . Pasricha February 19, 2019 podcast What are Jesse Finkelstein’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha February 4, 2019 podcast Chapter 22: Tim Urban on shivering in shorts and shifting from sheep to chef Neil . Pasricha February 4, 2019 podcast What are Tim Urban of Wait But Why’s three most formative books? Find out here.