I flew to Omaha to sit down with former sex worker and children’s book author, Juniper Fitzgerald.
Today we are traveling to Omaha, Nebraska, to sit down with former sex worker, PHD graduate, TED speaker, and author of the world’s first children’s book featuring a sex working parent, Juniper Fitzgerald.
How did I get to know Juniper?
It all comes back to Chapter 4 of 3 Books with Sarah Ramsey, who recommended the book How Mamas Love Their Babies to me.
Me and Juniper chilling at the Omaha airport!
This book is beautiful and evocative and filled with cut and pasted little pictures … and I was absolutely gripped by it. I was totally sucked in, and the mention of the sex working parent happens so gently and subtly.
So I sat down with Juniper in the middle of the Omaha airport and had an extremely educational conversation about important themes like: sex work, the pros and cons of paying for pleasure, decriminalization vs anti-criminalization, the real meaning of ‘consent,’ how to improve self-esteem, why we should teach children about sex, and so much more.
Juniper brings us all sorts of knowledge from her experiences as a mother, a sex worker, and a PhD graduate in sociology with focuses on gender, sexuality, feminist, and queer theories. She was a delight to speak to.
I hope you enjoy Chapter 31 of 3 Books.
Listen to Chapter 31:
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What You'll Learn:
What is sex work?
How should we educate children about sex work?
Should sex work be decriminalized?
How can we improve our self-esteem?
Should we teach children masturbation and how to find their pleasure?
Why do we need to make mistakes in order to learn and grow?
notable quotes from juniper fitzgerald:
“We have to sit with the fact that we don’t know everything.” @JuniperFitz #3bookspodcast
CONNECT With Juniper:
word of the chapter:
Resources Mentioned:
Juniper’s first book [24:26]
Juniper’s second book [37:18]
Juniper’s third book [48:43]
How Mamas Love Their Babies by Juniper Fitzgerald
Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
C is for Consent by Eleanor Morrison