Jen Agg is a celebrated Toronto-based restaurateur. She has opened many award-winning restaurants including The Black Hoof, Rhum Bar, Le Swan, and Grey Gardens.
When Jen opens a restaurant, people notice. There are lineups. Buzz. An incalculable feeling that, once again, she’s put her finger on the pulse of what people want.
Me and Jen in a booth at her french diner Le Swan.
Jen is also the bestselling author of the memoir “I Hear She’s A Real Bitch” which features the cover blurb from Anthony Bourdain saying “Whatever Jen Agg says is worth listening to.” I agree.
We have this conversation at her restaurant Le Swan on Queen Street West in Toronto.
Jen and I talk about whether fussyness is a virtue, the art of dining alone, how to have a healthy marriage with someone twenty years older than you, and what it was like for Jen growing up with one breast. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! She challenges me as you’ll soon hear.
I hope you enjoy Chapter 35 of 3 Books.
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What You'll Learn:
Is having a “type” when dating racist?
How can we avoid becoming vanilla and maintain a strong voice?
Why should we stop caring so much about what other people think of us?
How are misogyny and patriarchy still deeply ingrained in society?
How do tomboys currently occupy our complicated gender role landscape?
What is potentially the greatest last line in a book ever?
What is the next big gender role conversation in the world post #MeToo?
Why are friends overrated?
notable quotes from jen agg:
CONNECT With Jen Agg:
word of the chapter:
wordcloud of the chapter:
Resources Mentioned:
Jen’s first book [22:37]
Jen’s second book [43:55]
Jen’s third book [56:08]
I Hear She’s A Real Bitch by Jen Agg
The Long, Cruel History of the Anti-Abortion Crusade by John Irving
The Complete Eflquest Volume 1 by Richard Pini and Wendy Pini