I interviewed Dr. Jen Gunter in Toronto while she was here on book tour!
Question for you.
Let’s say you were scheduled to give birth to triplets, but they arrived prematurely, and one of them died during birth at the hospital …
In that painful situation, what would you do?
You’d search for answers!
You’d ask questions!
And if you’re Dr. Jen Gunter, you would recognize that, even to a doctor, the answers were confusing, misleading, and sometimes contradictory. So what did she do? Well, Jen wrote an entire book on premature babies called the The Preemie Primer. The book became popular and helped Jen develop a massive following to the point where she’s known today as Twitter’s OB/GYN.
Me and Dr. Jen!
Because she’s not afraid to give people the cold, hard truth.
Today Jen hosts the TV show Jensplaining and writes not one but two New York Times columns!
Jen recently wrote another book called The Vagina Bible which took off and has been climbing bestsellers lists.
Due to the success of her books Jen is often on promotion tours so I was able to catch up with her at the PenguinRandomHouse offices in Toronto when she came through town for TV shows and to give speeches.
Jen and I discuss how medicine became rooted in mansplaining, how to teach kids sex ed, and of course, her three most formative books.
Let’s go!
Listen to Chapter 41 of 3 Books:
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What You'll Learn:
How do we break the cycle of “those who get bullied become bullies?”
How did Dr. Jen Gunter become known as Twitter’s OB/GYN?
How should parents teach their children sex ed?
How is the stigma surrounding STIs impacting rates of transmission and treatment?
When is shame a wasted emotion and when is it an appropriate emotion?
What are the key ingredients for good sex?
notable quotes from jen gunter:
“When people bully me online, I realize it’s about them, not about me.” @DrJenGunter #3bookspodcast
word of the chapter:
Resources Mentioned:
Jen’s first book [10:14]
Jen’s second book [19:25]
Jen’s third book [33:43]
The Vagina Bible by Jen Gunter, MD
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia)
How Mamas Love Their Babies by Juniper Fitzgerald
Quiet by Susan Cain
You Are Awesome by Neil Pasricha