Neil . Pasricha January 21, 2019 podcast Chapter 21: Paulette Bourgeois on family foundations, frightening fiction, and forging Franklin Neil . Pasricha January 21, 2019 podcast What are Paulette Bourgeois’ (author of Franklin the Turtle) three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha January 5, 2019 podcast Chapter 20: Debbie Stoller on frenzied female fandom, fighting for freedom, and fourth-wave feminism Neil . Pasricha January 5, 2019 podcast What are Debbie Stoller’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha December 22, 2018 podcast Chapter 19: Chip Wilson on living large, launching Lululemon, and leaving a legacy Neil . Pasricha December 22, 2018 podcast What are the founder of Lululemon’s most formative books? Find out in this chapter with Chip Wilson.
Neil . Pasricha December 7, 2018 podcast Chapter 18: David Sedaris on holding happiness hostage and healing holes in our hearts Neil . Pasricha December 7, 2018 podcast Find out David Sedaris’ three most formative books in Chapter 18.
Neil . Pasricha November 23, 2018 podcast Chapter 17: Emily McDowell on family fallouts, finding phrases, and forging false fairytales Neil . Pasricha November 23, 2018 podcast What are Emily McDowell’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha November 7, 2018 podcast Chapter 16: Mitchell Kaplan on cultivating connection, Colorado quests, and creating community Neil . Pasricha November 7, 2018 podcast What are Books & Books owner Mitchell Kaplan’s three most formative books? Find out in Chapter 16.
Neil . Pasricha October 24, 2018 podcast Chapter 15: Mitch Albom on making music, managing mojo, and memorializing Morrie Neil . Pasricha October 24, 2018 podcast We get to hear from Mitch Albom on his books, beauty and learn why purpose is most important to whatever you do and however you do it.
Neil . Pasricha October 8, 2018 podcast Chapter 14: Rich Gibbons on paid public preaching, parenting prescriptions, and pickles with perfectionism Neil . Pasricha October 8, 2018 podcast Join me in sunny San Diego where I sit down with Rich Gibbons.
Neil . Pasricha September 24, 2018 podcast Chapter 13: Ariel Bissett on brag-worthy book hauls, brainwashing beasts, and building BookTube Neil . Pasricha September 24, 2018 podcast Join me at the University of Ottawa where I sit down with BookTuber Ariel Bissett to discuss her three most formative books.
Neil . Pasricha September 9, 2018 podcast Chapter 12: Chris Anderson on tackling tribalism, trusting trust, and transforming TED talks Neil . Pasricha September 9, 2018 podcast Join me in NYC with the head of TED Talks, Chris Anderson, as we discuss his three most formative books.