Neil . Pasricha March 20, 2019 podcast Chapter 25: James Frey on drunk, defiant differentiation Neil . Pasricha March 20, 2019 podcast What are James Frey’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha March 6, 2019 podcast Chapter 24: Jonathan Fields on winning with will and weaving why into work Neil . Pasricha March 6, 2019 podcast What are Jonathan Fields’ three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha February 19, 2019 podcast Chapter 23: Jesse Finkelstein zooms into the zeitgeist and zeroes in on zesty Zora Neil . Pasricha February 19, 2019 podcast What are Jesse Finkelstein’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha February 4, 2019 podcast Chapter 22: Tim Urban on shivering in shorts and shifting from sheep to chef Neil . Pasricha February 4, 2019 podcast What are Tim Urban of Wait But Why’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha January 21, 2019 podcast Chapter 21: Paulette Bourgeois on family foundations, frightening fiction, and forging Franklin Neil . Pasricha January 21, 2019 podcast What are Paulette Bourgeois’ (author of Franklin the Turtle) three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha January 5, 2019 podcast Chapter 20: Debbie Stoller on frenzied female fandom, fighting for freedom, and fourth-wave feminism Neil . Pasricha January 5, 2019 podcast What are Debbie Stoller’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha December 22, 2018 podcast Chapter 19: Chip Wilson on living large, launching Lululemon, and leaving a legacy Neil . Pasricha December 22, 2018 podcast What are the founder of Lululemon’s most formative books? Find out in this chapter with Chip Wilson.
Neil . Pasricha December 7, 2018 podcast Chapter 18: David Sedaris on holding happiness hostage and healing holes in our hearts Neil . Pasricha December 7, 2018 podcast Find out David Sedaris’ three most formative books in Chapter 18.
Neil . Pasricha November 23, 2018 podcast Chapter 17: Emily McDowell on family fallouts, finding phrases, and forging false fairytales Neil . Pasricha November 23, 2018 podcast What are Emily McDowell’s three most formative books? Find out here.
Neil . Pasricha November 7, 2018 podcast Chapter 16: Mitchell Kaplan on cultivating connection, Colorado quests, and creating community Neil . Pasricha November 7, 2018 podcast What are Books & Books owner Mitchell Kaplan’s three most formative books? Find out in Chapter 16.