
Bookmark: Leslie Richardson on practicing peaceful parenting


Hey everyone,

Today I'm putting out a special Bookmark episode of 3 Books featuring my incredible wife ​Leslie Richardson​. If you've been listening to 3 Books for a while you've heard Leslie interviewing guests like ​Brené Brown​, ​Kristen Neff​, and ​Rebecca the Sex Therapist​. And, of course, I started the show by interviewing her way back in ​Chapter 1​. But this time she takes center stage on a topic she's deeply passionate about: parenting. And, specifically here, how to nurture self-compassion as a parent when riding the waves through challenging times.

This recent interview Leslie did with Dajana Yoakley at the Self-Compassionate Parenting Summit was going viral on my family group texts and I knew I had to share it with you. Thank you to Dajana (delightinparenting.com) for letting us share this wonderful conversation touching topics like: the antidote to shame, the importance of guilt and regret, the 5 'R's' of good Repair, what to promise your child, growing your self-compassion muscle, resources for parents who want to build empathy, how to water the flowers not the weeds, how to help fighting siblings, practical strategies to process emotion as a parent, and much, much more...

I am very lucky to learn from Leslie on a daily basis. She's spent years as a community leader, inner-city public school teacher, trained parenting coach, and, of course, mother of our four children. Whether you're a new parent, old parent, or somewhere in between, I know you'll find this conversation as helpful, useful, and full of wisdom as I did. There are so many lessons in here I am still trying to learn. This is a conversation to help us all walk intentionally down the parenting path.

Bookmark: Leslie Richardson on practicing peaceful parenting



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Chapter 129: Sahil Bloom freezes at 4am to find fortune and finish first


I flew down to New York City and sat in a plush purple corner booth at the pricey and exclusive ​Core Club​ in midtown Manhattan. ​Sahil Bloom​ is the youngest member they have because, as he says, "If you get into the right rooms, good things start to happen." Sahil Bloom is a fascinating, unconventional, maniacally disciplined, wisdom-distilling writer, thinker, and investor—with a goal of motivating a billion people to live their best lives as a kind of ​Tim Ferriss​ or ​Robin Sharma​ for the next generation.

He grew up with a Harvard dad, Princeton mom, and Yale sister—but was coasting by in school and the resident jock. "My dad would come home and play catch before going back to work every night." His dad is ​David E. Bloom​, one of the world's most-renowned social scientists, who would take Sahil on business-class flights as a kid. "I would eat ice cream and watch movies but I watched my dad working on the speech he was delivering the next morning for the entire 12 hours."

Do we all need to become manically disciplined to compete in the world today? What are the benefits and what are the costs of winding ourselves up to our highest and fullest potential? And how do we measure that? The sun was setting out the window, servers setting up clinking cutlery on the tables next to us, as we drank non-alcoholic cocktails and talked: Parkinson's Law, 4am cold plunges, phone-free walks, impacting a billion lives, Dunkin Donuts, 5am writing routines, posting your kids faces online, Tim Cook, how to get a giant book deal, chasing opportunity vs energy, and, of course, Sahil Bloom's 3 most formative books... 3 Books remains ad-free, sponsor-free, commercial-free, and interruption-free. The best way you can support the show is just by listening and sharing it with family and friends. Listen directly at ​3books.co​, or by typing in "3 Books" into ​Apple Podcasts or Spotify​.

A massive thank you to Sahil Bloom for sharing his vulnerability, so many endless tools, and all that incredible wisdom. This is a conversation that has personally inspired and changed habits in my life. I hope it does the same for you.

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 129 now...

Chapter 129: Sahil Bloom freezes at 4am to find fortune and finish first


Sahil’s 3 Books

  • First book (37:15)

  • Second book (1:37:42)

  • Third book (2:01:18)


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Chapter 128: Heather McGowan listens to lessons from the Lakota and Legacy of Luna


I started 3 Books back in 2018.

I didn't fully appreciate how big, wide, and deep the core question of this 22-year conversation was at the beginning. "What are your 3 most formative books?" Sounds simple! But as you trace back which books inspired ideals, ignited passions, altered values, slingshotted directions...well, it turns out there's always a lot there.

That was definitely the case as I recorded Chapter 128 of 3 Books in a Washington DC hotel room overlooking the Potomac with writer, designer, and speaker Heather McGowan. Heather is a big thinker focused on the "future of work" and she has elegantly stitched her business and industrial design backgrounds along with some fascinating experiences into two bestselling books called 'The Adaptation Advantage' and 'The Empathy Advantage.' She has spoken at the World Economic Forum, TEDx, and SXSW, has written for Forbes and Harvard Business Review, and is an advisor to the Business Higher Education Forum and Innovate+Educate.

We talk why empathy is essential for leaders, how we rebuild trust, how we can learn to let go, what is a "belligerent optimist", Heather's 3 most formative books, and much, much more...

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 128 now...

Chapter 128: Heather McGowan listens to lessons from the Lakota and Legacy of Luna


Chapter 127: Lenore Skenazy on killing coddling to create capable kids


Early episodes of Sesame Street from the late 1960s show five-year-olds walking streets alone, talking to strangers, and playing on vacant lots, but when those episodes were released on DVD years later a warning was added at the beginning saying “The following is intended for adult viewing only and may not be suitable for young viewers.”

I read about this in ‘Stolen Focus’, the massive bestseller by Johann Hari, our guest in Chapter 121. Johann went on in his book to discuss how ‘the confinement of our children’ is contributing to our plummeting ability to focus and he brought the idea to light wonderfully in his book by spotlighting the activism of Lenore Skenazy.

Lenore Skenazy is a Jackson Heights, New York mom of two who wrote a 2008 column for The New York Sun titled ‘Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride The Subway Alone.’ The article set off a huge media firestorm where Lenore was dubbed “America’s Worst Mom.” Undeterred, Lenore went on to coin the phrase “free-range kids”, write a bestselling book by the same name, and then five years ago co-founded a non-profit called ‘Let Grow’ which aims to give kids back the developmentally crucial ‘vitamin’ our culture has removed from childhood: independence!

Before her current work, Lenore wrote for The New York Daily News, New York Sun, and Mad Magazine (!). She has degrees from Yale and Columbia and is on the front lines of movements to bring back trust, independence, and free play in our children. She has created The Let Grow Project which partners with schools to give students the simple homework assignment to “Go home and do something new, on your own.” She created ‘Take Our Children to the Park & Leave Them There Day’ as a day for children to learn how to play without constant supervision. And Let Grow, the organization she co-founded with Jonathan Haidt (our guest in Chapter 103), Dr. Peter Gray, and Daniel Shuchman, has been helping to draft and sponsor 'free-range kid' legislation supporting reasonable child independence. To date, they have helped pass laws in eight states.

Join us as we discuss: recess, preventing anxiety in kids, the problem with child protective services, getting attention in activism today, the importance of fun, and, of course, Lenore's three most formative books...

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 127 now...

Chapter 127: Lenore Skenazy on killing coddling to create capable kids


Chapter 126: Jully Black on anthem alterations and attitude absolutions


I’ve been lucky enough to be invited onto ‘The Social’ a few times. Do you know the show? It’s like ‘The View’, but Canadian, with four dynamic hosts sharing fast-paced opinions in a raucous, bombastic, high-energy exchange. Producers hand you the topics of the day about 30 minutes before you go on — formed by that morning’s early headlines — and then it’s time to form an opinion and get ready to, no big deal, share it live with millions of people a few minutes later. Definitely one of the most challenging jobs I’ve ever had and I can’t tell you how much I admire people like Melissa Grelo, Cynthia Loyst, Lainey Lui, and Jess Allen, who do it day after day.

Since I’m guest-hosting it’s usually me onstage with three women — while one’s away — and we end up having full-on laugh attacks like this one. Well, one day, early in the pandemic, during the “live from everybody’s basement” era, I showed up ready to go on and discovered I was one of *two* guest hosts. The other was Jully Black! Canada’s R&B Queen. I’d heard of her but when the camera started rolling I fell in love. She was dynamic, bombastic, full of love, full of energy, and in the virtual green room after the show I invited her on 3 Books. (I knew she was a book lover because she’d been on Canada Reads — “the Survivor of Books” — a couple years before.)

Well, after a few years of planning, we finally pulled off our long-awaited live and in-person recording of 3 Books — up in Markham, Ontario, an hour north of Toronto — inside the 24-hour, 365-day-a-year, 68,000-square foot sauna and bath house Go Place. I had never been but Jully was a regular so we put on our checkerboard paper shorts and shirts and lounged on a couple curvy chairs before hitting record (and before hitting the hot and cold rooms afterwards.)

I think you’ll find this as fascinating a conversation as I did. Jully is a true icon — named one of ‘The 25 Greatest Canadian Singers Ever’ (CBC Music) with multiple singles reaching Top 10 pop, R&B, and dance music charts. She has sung for the Queen of England, she’s been inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame, and, as you’ll hear, she took the bold stance of changing the words to Canada’s National Anthem on its largest global stage. Her activism wins praise, plaudits, and, yes, some poo-pooing, but if you know Jully — and you will soon if you don’t! — she takes it all in stride and then she manifests another great day. She’s somebody who is seemingly always vibrating on another level.

Jully has been in the game for three decades, scoring her first record deal as a teenager, and collaborating with endless legends like Nas, Choclair, and Destiny’s Child. She’s an activist, award-winning musical theater star, community organizer, and much, much more. In this conversation Jully shares secrets of artistic longevity, thoughts behind her decision to change the lyrics of ‘O Canada’ at the NBA All-Star game, her definition of allyship, how we learn to forgive ourselves, what a ‘blanket ceremony’ is, how we navigate the death of our parents, her 3 most formative books (of course), and much, much more…

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 126 now…

Chapter 126: Jully Black on anthem alterations and attitude absolutions


Chapter 125: Two Syrian Chefs share sheep and shawarma shopkeeping shenanigans


“All the time focus on the positive things. Not the negative things. Then the karma, it will come, it will reflect to you.”

Meet Chef Osama Harwash and Chef Houssam Harwash. Two brothers who came to Canada as Syrian refugees and rented a food stall to begin crafting traditional recipes learned from four generations of Syrian chefs. Listen as they share lessons learned from their sheep-farming great-grandfather at the fall of the Ottoman Empire and then tell us how mint and cardamom help make the perfect lemonade for sweltering Torontonians.

I was riding past a tight row of graffiti-covered food stalls on an absolutely scorching day in downtown Toronto when I spotted these two gregarious brothers wedged into a tiny four-foot by four-foot booth smiling, wishing “happy days to their brothers and sisters” while making them chicken shawarmas, beef kofta plates, and grape leaves for a non-stop line of faithful fans. A 4.9 rating with over 500 reviews on Google since they opened doesn’t lie.

But what makes them tick?

“The most important thing in Toronto is community,” Osama says “We love Toronto. And we want to support our community So we make more food to make more people happy.”

Maybe it's as simple as that! Let’s take a break from the news flow, the omnipresent digital tide, to come down to the sidewalk to hang out with me, Osama, and Houssam as we discuss growing up with six brothers in Damascus, 800-year-old houses, the perfect drink for a good sleep, lessons from ancient Arabic philosophy, the joys of taking time to slowly craft perfect meals with love, and, yes, of course, their 3 most formative books.

It was a treat hanging out with Chefs Houssam and Osama Harwash at their wonderful Chef Harwash food stall at 707 Dundas St W (at Bathurst and Dundas) in downtown Toronto.

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 125 now…

Chapter 125: Two Syrian Chefs share sheep and shawarma shopkeeping shenanigans


Chapter 124: Martellus Bennett weaves Willy Wonka and warrior wisdom


Martellus Bennett is reimagining imagination

He’s perhaps best known in cultural press for his championship NFL career which included the famous Super Bowl LI comeback where his Patriots were down 28-3 at halftime and rallied for a 34-28 win in OT. But Martellus, who goes by Marty now as well as the new moniker Mr.TOMONOSHi, served as starting Tight End and recorded five catches for 62 yards as well as drawing the key Pass Interference penalty that set up the game-winning touchdown. He said afterwards he didn’t know they won. “I'm telling you, bro. I was in flow. Like, I don't know what the score is, right? I had no idea.”

There may be a few reasons for that flow experience, though. Marty has always been a truly broad and dimensional thinker who questions and examines everything. Why? “I had parents who let us talk at the kitchen table.” As a result, he’s still only in his 30s and has just massively varied interests and pursuits. “I’m always reading, searching, asking why, what if, or how?” 

Just as likely to be found in Japan searching for illumination, drawing cartoons to inspire young black kids (the award-winning book Dear Black Boy, as an example), tracing his family’s pre-slavery origins in Senegal, writing and releasing hip-hop albums, and always — always! — standing up and speaking out for what he believes in. No wonder he was one of the first NFL players kneeling in 2016 — joining Colin Kaepernick and older brother Michael — in a tough position that made him a target. Indeed, he left the Green Bay Packers after that year... “The way you feel the coldness when you walk into a freezer, you could feel the racism there.”

Today Marty carries and emanates the deep purpose of re-igniting imaginations worldwide. He wants to “activate imagination through touch, sound, smell, taste, and the body” and help support every human’s “opportunity to play, explore the universe, experience joy, wonder, and have active social connections regardless of age.”

He lives in Houston with his wife and daughter AJ and operates out of an an incredible in-the-neighborhood studio-space he’s named the TOMONOSHi! I+d LAB — a kind of magical Willy Wonka factory-esque playground full of hand-built bookshelves, woodshop tables, computers for recording music, a stump garden, and, yes, a Bird Hotel. When kids walk by they smile and scream out “Hi Mr. TOMONOSHi!” and he smiles and screams back. He’s even adopted their moniker as a way to communicate his expanding identity and purpose. He soaks into the identity and challenges societal norms around labels in almost every way.

Mr. TOMONOSHi interacts, serves, and connects with the community, writes and illustrates children’s books — like his popular Hey AJ series — and even has a deal with Disney for an upcoming series based on his books. “My life is my biggest art project,” he says.

And it’s a beautiful one. 

So let’s fly down to Houston, Texas and enjoy a long sunny morning at a hand-made table — made by Mr. TOMONOSHi, of course — to experience the wit, wonder, and wisdom of a true renaissance man. I hope you find this conversation as inspiring, challenging, and soul-fueling as I did.

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 124 now...

Chapter 124: Martellus Bennett weaves Willy Wonka and warrior wisdom

What You'll Learn:

  • How can we foster a connection with nature?

  • What is a stump garden?

  • What do trees tell us about neighborhoods?

  • What is an educational gap?

  • How is the prison system a for profit business?

  • What is code switching?

  • What is missing in children’s literature?

  • What is the Imagination Agency?

  • What is the art of book publishing?

  • What makes a movement?

  • What is the origin of the word dodo?

  • Who were the super slaves?

  • How was the slave trade perpetrated?

  • What is the power of imagination?

  • What is the truth about the chocolate industry?

  • How can cannabis help with focus?

  • What is creative freedom?

  • What does it mean to have an out of shape imagination?

  • How can we learn to take risks?

  • Why is reverse engineering an amazing skill?

  • Why is competition essential?

  • How can we reprogram ourselves to think differently?

  • How can we learn to manifest what we see as unmanifested?

  • How can systems outlast us to help others?

  • What is generational knowledge?

  • What makes for a good leader?

  • What is collective genius?

  • What can we learn from the samurais?

  • What is the power of our hands?

  • Why should we have kid-parent dates?

  • Who was the first black Samurai?

  • Why should we all have a code of ethics?


Marty’s 3 Books

  • Marty’s first book (40:18)

  • Marty’s second book (1:29:14)

  • Marty’s third book (2:09:34)

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Chapter 123: Suzy Batiz on suffering, surviving, and selling shit


“Do you realize what you’ve done? You’ve taken the smell out of shit!”

Suzy Batiz says this is what her husband Hector said — shocked! amazed! — when he realized the strange essential oil spray she’d been obsessively working on late into the night for nine straight months really and actually … worked.

Today Suzy is founder of billion-dollar-valued Poo-Pourri and supernatural. But the endless topline superlatives surrounding her — EY Entrepreneur of the Year, ranked #240 on Forbes “Richest Self-Made” Woman list just above Serena Williams — actually mask the more startling, complex, inspiring story underneath. Sure, there’s no denying the wealth — after all, we did this interview in the 15,000 square-foot church she lives in — but Suzy isn’t motivated by money. Never has been! She’s motivated by freedom, by energy, by making, by love — and by leading and sharing a life of inspiration.

I flew down to Dallas, Texas and sat with my friend Suzy Batiz to understand how exactly she navigated a lifetime of poverty, abuse, depression, divorces, bankruptcies, and suicide attempts in order to — bit by bit, step by step — manifest a life full of exploration, transformation, and abundance. Led by her curiosity, gumption, and an “I gotta get out” energy she reveals hard-fought lessons in personal growth, unicorn-building entrepreneurial advice, and deeply resonant nuggets of life-changing wisdom — much of which she’s never shared before. I think you will take away a tremendous amount from this conversation. And, for those feeling stuck, trapped, or helpless — there are many jungle vines hanging here to help you get out. Freedom is possible. Suzy will share a few ways to find it.

We discuss: the art of cold-calling, agency in abuse, finding angels, the problem with antidepressants, deuterium-depleted water, the trinity of transformation, 4 questions to break free of destructive thinking, ayahuasca voices, what entrepreneurs need to remember, Suzy Batiz's 3 most formative books, and much, much, much more…

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 123 now…

Chapter 123: Suzy Batiz on suffering, surviving, and selling shit

What You'll Learn:

  • What is the art of cold calling?

  • What is the emotional toll of bankruptcy?

  • How can we find meaning in our lives?

  • What are the questions we should be asking ourselves to break our patterns of destructive thinking?

  • How can we learn to shift our lens?

  • What is radical accountability?

  • What is the problem with antidepressants?

  • What do abundance and happiness have in common?

  • What does it mean to be human?

  • What does it mean to operate from a place of abundance?

  • What are the signs of resonance?

  • How do you create a business?

  • What do Suzy Batiz and Elon Musk have in common?

  • What is an ‘alive’ idea?

  • Why must we not be afraid to ask questions?

  • What are the scales of consciousness?

  • How does ayahuasca work?

  • What is expansiveness?

  • What is the trinity of transformation?

  • How do you know when you have arrived?

  • What is deuterium-depleted water? 

  • What is it like to live in a church?

  • How should we learn to trust ourselves?

  • What is the grief that leads to a suicide attempt?

  • What causes abuse?

Click-to-tweet quotes from Suzy

“My husband said to me ‘Do you realize what you've done? You've taken the smell out of shit!’” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“There’s a myth out there that no one wants to help you and that everyone’s out to get you. I’ve found the exact opposite is true. Everyone wants to help you, everyone wants to support you — when you let them know your position.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“I didn’t have a drinking problem. I had a thinking problem. I was letting my thoughts actually create my suffering.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“People often ask ‘How long did it take you to remodel the place?’ And I say, you should ask the place ‘How long did it take to remodel me?’” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“Pain begets pain until we start cleaning it up and clearing it up for the future generations. It’s the same cycle. It's a vibration. It's gonna keep getting repeated.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“I was willing to get rid of my story. I wanted freedom over any story that I had.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“Stop making good shit and start making great shit. We’ve got enough good in the world.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“I commit to expanding my capacity for abundance, love, and joy every day as I inspire others to do the same.” ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123

“If you want out, you can get out. The only question is what are you gonna do to get out? Once you know there’s a way out — you can find it.”  ― Suzy Batiz #3bookspodcast 3books.co/chapters/123


Suzy’s 3 Books

  • Suzy’s first book (10:12)

  • Suzy’s second book (1:40:03)

  • Suzy’s third book (2:02:34)

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Chapter 122: Tank Sinatra on masterpiece microdosing and meme mastery in our manufactured madness


Diluting central news sources. Constantly narrowing echo chambers. An ever-fracturing sense of community. It’s easy to feel disconnected from each other right now — and from what’s collectively real and true in the world. We need people and places that help unify us and bring us together. 

“Fear displaces faith and vice versa,” says Tank Sinatra on Chapter 122 of 3 Books. “And laughter displaces everything. It’s impossible to be sad when you’re laughing.” It's no wonder more than 10 million people follow Tank — the world’s #1 meme creator.

At @tank.sinatra he shares with 3 million people a photo of Heath Ledger as The Joker, with stringy wet hair, in the nurse’s outfit, in the middle of a road, with smoke and fire in the background together with the caption “The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank after selling $4 million worth of his stock the day before collapse.”

At @tanksgoodnews he posts a photo of a woman holding a hot water bottle over her stomach with the Spanish flag and the tag “Spain just granted workers paid leave for period pain.” 

At @influencersinthewild he shows a tattooed woman posing in a bikini in front of the waves ... along with a follow-up image of the wave crashing over her and her hair and face all suddenly messed up with a caption that simply says “Ocean.”

“There’s something about laughing that’s heavenly,” he says. And the massively growing tribe and community forming around Tank's work agrees. Tank offers a clear reflection of our day and age. He speaks truth from a deep, resonant place which creates connection in divided times. 

In addition to posting daily on his megafeeds, he's also the host of the brand new 'true-crime comedy' podcast Psychopedia and creator of the hilarious Influencers In The Wild board game. 

Tank and I have been connected for 12 years (12 years!) from back in the ancient internet world when we became blogger friends. It was a real honor to reconnect with him for 3 Books and discuss microdosing reading, what ‘sales’ really is, religion versus spirituality, generational trauma, the pleasures and perils of social media, and, of course, his most formative books...

Let’s flip the page into Chapter 122 now…

Chapter 122: Tank Sinatra on masterpiece microdosing and meme mastery in our manufactured madness


Chapter 121: Johann Hari on deleting devious dogma and discovering deeper designs


Happy full moon, everybody! 

Do you feel like the world today -- our culture today -- is pulling us further and further away from things that matter? Like deep in-person, real-life, human connections. Like the ability to focus on things that require deep thought, care, and time -- like reading books. Are you feeling yourself sucked into the algorithmic abyss -- where endless dings and pings and alerts and notifications pull us into echo chambers that prey on biological tendencies beyond our comprehension?

You may remember our chat on 3 Books six chapters ago with Dr. Gabor Maté who calls our culture today "toxic" and the record-levels of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicide rates we have today. So what do we do about it?

Well, our guest today is Johann Hari who will help me, help you, help all of us rekindle what is important in our life. How? By taking back our focus and our attention. 

Some history: I first heard about Johann back on Chapter 49 with Dr. Andrea Sereda. One of her 3 most formative books was CHASING THE SCREAM by Johann Hari. I read it cover to cover and it was a deep, nuanced book about the war on drugs and our cultural history and relationship with drugs. I made it one of my top books of the year.

So I reached out to Johann and we eventually sat down to get his 3 most formative books. 

Who is Johann Hari?

He was born in Glasgow in 1979 and when he was a year old his family moved to London where he lived most of his life. He studied social and political science at Cambridge and is now the author of three massive bestsellers: CHASING THE SCREAMLOST CONNECTIONS, and his newest out in 2022 called STOLEN FOCUS: Why You Can't Pay Attention. His work has been lauded by everybody from Bono to Oprah and he's been named national newspaper journalist of the year by Amnesty International twice. 

Listen as we talk about: regaining our attention, kSafes, reading as resistance, negative bias, amygdala hijacks, managing intelligence, French burnout laws, and, of course, Johann's 3 most formative books...

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

Let's flip the page into Chapter 121 now...

Chapter 121: Johann Hari on deleting devious dogma and discovering deeper designs


What You'll Learn:

  • What does reading offer?

  • What is happening to our ability to focus?

  • What are some practical ways to improve our focus?

  • What is the French burnout law?

  • What is the fallacy of multitasking?

  • What is negativity bias?

  • What can we do to counter the power of money-making algorithms?

  • Where is the power of the public in the tech debate?

  • Why is propaganda more crucial in free societies compared to others?

  • How can we maintain unity without propaganda?

  • How can we stay properly informed today?

  • Why is nuance so critical?

  • Why is it so important to delve into complexity?

  • Why is a black-and-white perspective so destructive?

Notable quotes from Johann

“We live in a culture where there's an enormous machinery designed to fragment your attention. That is making you dumber, less attentive, less empathetic. It is designed to make you angry.” Johann Hari #3bookspodcast

“All of this AI, all of these algorithms, all of this genius in Silicon Valley is designed for one thing and one thing only -- to figure out how to get you to pick up the app as often as possible and scroll as often as possible.” Johann Hari #3bookspodcast

“Reading books is a crucial act of resistance to the madness of our time.” Johann Hari #3bookspodcast

"We need to hold the ground for complexity and ambiguity and not making up our minds about people and allowing a little bit of space." Johann Hari #3bookspodcast

“You've gotta say that a business model based on tracking and surveilling us in order to figure out the weaknesses in our attention and sell that attention to the highest bidder is fundamentally inhuman and immoral.” Johann Hari #3bookspodcast


Johann’s 3 books

  • Johann’s first book (41:52)

  • Johann’s second book (1:08:08)

  • Johann’s third book (1:28:23)

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