Chapter 52: Wagner Moura on lessons in living and loving from Latino leaders


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We need leadership right now.

Professional sports? Paused. Olympics? Postponed. Movie theaters? Closed.

And yet we need stories to process, make sense, and inspire us more than ever before.

Community leaders, politicians, and family members are filling the void. Don’t you love the viral stories of doctors playing piano after a long shift or prime ministers doing press conferences declaring the Tooth Fairy an essential service?

We need leadership right now.

And today I want to offer you a great one.

Sérgio de Mello was a United Nations diplomat for 34 years earning awards and praise for his astounding global humanitarian efforts. He had a unique leadership style which cut through bureaucracy, clearly saw the humans behind the flags, and understood that we live in a global village and the most important way to get through tough times is by connecting our hearts.

His empathetic and hopeful story is being brought to the screen in a brand new film called Sergio by Wagner Moura, an incredibly talented actor perhaps best known for playing Pablo Escobar in Narcos.

Leslie and I absolutely loved Sergio and I was thrilled to sit down with Wagner Moura, passionate father, passionate activist, and passionate artist, to discuss many, many themes including: 

  • How do we learn to stand up for what we believe in?

  • How do we parent during quarantine?

  • How do we commit to things beyond our control?

  • How do we create art in times of crisis?

  • What do you say to your children when a president publicly denounces you?

  • How do we seek out the humble leaders without titles in our own lives?

  • And, of course, what are Wagner Moura’s three most formative books? 

I found Wagner Moura to be an incredibly beautiful soul and I think you will be inspired by the wonderful soulful offering he gives us all on 3 Books.

Listen to Chapter 52 below.

Let’s go!

What You'll Learn:

  • How do we learn to stand up for what we believe in?

  • How do we parent during quarantine?

  • How do we commit to things beyond our control?

  • How do we create art in times of crisis?

  • What do you say to your children when a president publicly denounces you?

  • How do we seek out the humble leaders without titles in our own lives?

  • And, of course, what are Wagner Moura’s three most formative books? 

notable quotes from wagner moura:

“We now can see who the real leaders are.” – Wagner Moura #3bookspodcast

“All characters I’ve played have Hamlet’s shadow over them.” – Wagner Moura #3bookspodcast

“Education in the arts is a process of not educating your brain but your soul.” – Wagner Moura #3bookspodcast

word of the chapter: 

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